Keeping customers up-to-date with an informative parcel tracker

Keeping customers up-to-date with an informative parcel tracker


APG eCommerce


UX/UI Designer



The company

APG eCommerce Solutions is one of the leading suppliers of cross-border e-commerce delivery solutions in the world, working with international clients such as ASOS, Boohoo and Wiggle.

The client was interested in a bespoke design for a parcel tracking system that needed to be implemented alongside a new website which was also in the process of being designed.

My role in the project

For this project, I was tasked with creating an informative parcel-tracking system that customers could use to get updates on when their parcel was due to be delivered.


This project came about whilst I was working at The Designlab. APG eCommerce were in the process of creating a new website to accompany a rebrand that a separate team was working on.

I was tasked with creating a new parcel-tracking experience that would act as the primary call to action on the new website.


As with some agency work, we were restricted by a small budget, which meant that we had to ensure that we used our resources as efficiently as possible.

In order to alleviate this challenge, I used severity ratings to identify and focus on the key flows and features that would assist the user.


To kick the project off, I sat with internal stakeholders to understand their goals for the project and assist me in defining their user personas.

Next, I had the opportunity to see how users were interacting with their existing product through Hotjar recordings as well as sitting with users in a focus group setting to uncover their behaviours and motivations.

I mapped the journeys and behaviours into a mental model diagram, allowing us to map the existing journey and understand what features would benefit the behaviours we observed.

How Might We’s

During the workshop, we created some HMW’s that would assist us when developing outcomes:

  • How might we showcase different orders in a logical way that is easy for users to navigate.

  • How might we enable users to switch between orders.

  • How might we display information to users in a relevant way.


Based upon my research and HMW’s, I hypothesised that by creating a familiar tracking system that would allow users to interchange between details for different orders, users would be able to successfully locate critical information on multiple orders.


For the prototype, I created a simple flow that would allow users to choose the order that they want to view more details on via an accordion that would show the order status by default.

If a user was to view more details, they would be able to see the parcel status, the courier of the parcel (with a link to view their tracking service), and a detailed rundown of the contents of their parcel.


Going into testing, we hypothesised that:

  • Users would be able to navigate between different orders.

  • Users would be able to tell what stage the parcel delivery is at.

For the test, we asked 100 participants to complete/answer 4 tasks/questions in an unmoderated setting to measure the success rate of key actions. I chose to conduct unmoderated tests due to the budget constraints and ability to gain vital insights.

By using Maze, we could capture qualitative insights through screen and front-facing camera recordings.

Next steps

Looking at the testing, both us and the client were content to release the prototype considering the high success rates when completing all key tasks.

Post-build, APG & I will be continuing to monitor if any issues or opportunities present themselves with regards to the parcel tracking system.