Creating a thriving eCommerce Web Application store

Creating a thriving eCommerce Web Application store


Arrow Valves


UX/UI Designer



The company

Arrow Valves is an eCommerce solution providing customers with a range of water management products. They also have a range of other offers including product servicing and professional development sessions.

My role in the project

For this project, I was tasked with creating an informative parcel-tracking system that customers could use to get updates on when their parcel was due to be delivered.


This project came about whilst I was working at The Designlab. As part of the monthly audit I conducted for Arrow Valves it came to my attention that their mobile conversion rate was performing badly compared to other devices.

This paired with support for Magento 1 ending, meant that there was no better time to revamp their product.


For this project, the most time-efficient way for developers to create an eCommerce website of this scale was through the Magento CMS which meant that the user interface wouldn’t be as flexible as if we were to create a bespoke solution.


To kick the project off, I held a day workshop with a variety of internal stakeholders where we discussed their goals for the project, highlight their key flows and understand their user base and existing product.

One interesting opportunity that presented itself through the workshop was that staff were spending huge amounts of time dealing with product service applications and customer support queries for products. By bringing these processes on-site, we could bring value to Arrow Valves by optimising their workflow.

Through analytics we could also see some interesting insights:

  • The abandonment rate at the checkout was 49%. By improving this metric, we could significantly increase the amount of revenue potential that the website could generate.

  • The mobile conversion rate was far less than that of other devices. It was apparent why this was the case, with their website not optimised for mobile breakpoints at all.

How Might We’s

During the workshop, we created some HMW’s that would assist us when developing outcomes:

  • How might we showcase different orders in a logical way that is easy for users to navigate.

  • How might we enable users to switch between orders.

  • How might we display information to users in a relevant way.


Based upon my research and HMW’s, I created some hypotheses:

  • I predict we could reduce the workload of Arrow Valves employees by successfully digitising the vast array of customer support resources that are emailed to users when they purchase a product.

  • I predict that we could stop users dropping off at checkout by streamlining the existing 3 page checkout system, instead using a simple 1 page checkout system.

  • I predict that the mobile conversion rate should naturally improve as we will be create designs for 4 different breakpoints.


Based upon my research and HMW’s, I created some hypotheses:

  • Digitised customer support area, users are able to input the details of the product to find useful information regarding installation and maintenance.

  • Created a simple one-page checkout system.


User feedback after the websites launch has been positive, with initial results as high as a 38% increase to mobile conversions and a 18% decrease to checkout abandonments.

Since the website has been launched Arrow Valves have continued to make further changes to the website in-house.